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Governor Jonathan Trumbull War Office

The Governor Jonathan War Office located in Lebanon, Connecticut in the United States and is drenched in historical significance most notably from the American Revolution. It also happens to be the very first case of the Thames Society of Paranormal Investigations.

The war office was used as a meeting place for The Council of Safety during the Revolutionary War. Several key players in the American Revolution were known to have attended these meetings including Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jay, and Adams. It was first the home of the Trumbull family and was the location of their mercantile business. After Governor Jonathan Trumbull pledged his allegiance to the states, he offered use of his home and his merchant connections from all over Connecticut to provide the patriots with supplies. It is said that over half of the 1100 meetings took place at their home and George Washington himself declared the Governor as “one of the first patriots” for his service in aiding in the war.

Governor Jonathan Trumbull

In addition, it is a significant landmark on Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur de Rochambeau's route. Rochambeau played a major role in assisting the colonies in fighting the British and was the commander in chief of the French Expeditionary Force.

In 1970 the building was registered on the National Register of Historical places and is now a museum run by a chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.


Back in 2010 Founder Shamus Denniston and former members Todd Radley and Harrison Fortier set out on the team's first case. The group had several personal experiences including Shamus seeing a shadowy mass dart from one side of the room to the other towards the ceiling, a phenomenon the others were unable to witness. The rest of the team did, however, hear women's voices outside throughout the night when no one was around. A few audio clips of interest that were captured in the meeting area. One was of Todd asking if they wanted us to leave with a chilling reply. The other was taken during an experimental spirit box session where after being asked about the British we believe there's a comment about their horses.

EVP- Go Home? - TSPI
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EVP- Go Home? (Enhanced) - TSPI
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Spirit Box- British? - TSPI
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Spirit Box- British? (Enhanced) - TSPI
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After review and heavy scrutiny the Thames Society of Paranormal Investigations has deemed The Governor Jonathan Trumbull War Offices as "semi" haunted meaning that there is activity, but with more research accompanied by evidence could prove to be a full-fledged haunting.

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