Halloween Season is Over...
The Thames Society of Paranormal Investigations (TSPI) has had a busy October. However, this is nothing new. A paranormal society can be...
Who else is hanging out with their Ghost Buddies on Lockdown?!
During the quarantine, we all have been spending loads of time at home. How many of us previously spent our days at work. Unless you have...
WE DO IT IN THE DARK! Why do Paranormal Investigators investigate at night?
In this blog entry, I wanted to quickly cover a common question that I get asked about paranormal investigations. The question is "Why do...
The Future of Paranormal Photography: What is the 'Sutera Process'?
Take an in-depth look into the 'Sutera Process' developed by Stephanie Sutera paranormal photographer of the Thames Society of Paran
Theater Superstitions & the Supernatural
How many of you have heard of a few famous haunted theaters or maybe legends surrounding haunted theaters in your area? There is a good...